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亞特蘭大世華與璞石組織(Diamond in the Rough) 文化交流合作


Updated: Oct 6, 2021

繼 2018 為璞石組織高中女生募款,支持大學申請講座,亞城世華在 2019 持續與璞石組織合作,展開今年一系列的領䄂人物培訓計劃及社區服務,加強年輕女孩職業競爭發展及培養生活技能。璞石組織致力於幫助年輕女孩從小就學習克服困境,增強自信,經由璞石組織的培訓計劃,成為一個發光的鑽石,和社會的領䄂人才。

2019/2/10 亞城世華邀請璞石負責人 Dr. Nicole Steele 帶領她輔導的年輕女孩們,體驗在僑教中心舉行的中國傳統的農曆新年春節園遊會活動。3/2 陳家琪會長與魏鳳珠理事(Dr. Alice Stanley) 前往璞石,主講「現代多元文化視角,了解文化差異與認同」,幫助璞石重點栽培的未來領袖青少女從小擁有世界胸懷,這次講座包括講員共有二十人參加,魏鳳珠理事精心準備的 資料及她多年教育局的經驗,深入淺出生動活潑的演講,深受好評與肯定,會中也與成員進行討論交流,亞城世華特別準備了紅包及筷子贈送璞石與會人員。

亞城世華將以去年專為「璞石」義賣珠寶所得的募款,提供兩個申請大學奬學金給璞石組織,要求當屆高中畢業生寫一篇八百字的文章,題目是「如何為將來到台灣工作實習,準備妳的競爭力」以期璞石計劃的學生了解亞洲在全世界競爭的重要性。申請表將於 3/16 截止,經理事會討論後,於 4/13 在璞石年會 “Leading Ladies Luncheon “ 宣布得獎學生及頒發獎金。


On March 2, 2019, Ms. Jackie Chen, the President of Global Federation of Chinese Business Women (GFCBW) of Atlanta, and Dr. Alice Stanley, a board member of GFCBW, made a presentation to the CORE Leadership Training Academy of Diamond In The Rough at the Cannon United Methodist Church in Snellville, Georgia. Diamond In The Rough is a non-profit organization established in 1995 by Dr. Nicole Steele. The vision of this organization is to empower young girls to understand their true value and tap into their full potential so they can overcome any odds and become the bright and beautiful gems God created them to be. The organization’s values include Reverence to God, Relationships, Respect, Responsibility, and Resourcefulness. (

This CORE meeting is held twice a month. There were 18 people in attendance for this presentation. The group was made up of 15 middle and high school aged members and 3 adults. The CORE Leadership Training Academy is for members who express an interest and desire in serving in a leadership capacity within the organization and have been receiving additional leadership training to provide adult advisors with program development and planned activities. Their activities include field trips, leadership training, cultural enrichment, a youth advisory board, a newsletter and community service projects.

Ms. Jackie Chen opened the presentation by giving a brief introduction of GFCBW and its desire and commitment to collaborate with Diamond In The Rough in the area of promoting and developing leadership skills in young girls. GFCBW will participate in Diamond In The Rough’s Leading Ladies Luncheon in April and will provide 2 college scholarships. The applicants for these scholarship opportunities need to submit an essay that is no more than 800 words. The topic is “How would you prepare yourself for an internship opportunity to work in Taiwan?” Applicants also need to include a photo with a short bio. The deadline is March 16.

Some members of the audience mentioned attending the Chinese New Year Celebration at the Culture Center of Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Atlanta on February 10, 2019.

Dr. Stanley’s presentation was “Understand Different Cultural Perspectives in the Modern Multicultural World”. The presentation allowed the audience to use different cultural perspectives as a framework to understand people from various cultural backgrounds. As one’s cultural identity and perspective often guide one’s decision making process and a multicultural environment in school and in the work place is a common phenomenon, knowledge of how to navigate in different cultures and experiences in sharing cultural events are important to have for a leader of any organization in this modern world. This presentation hopefully helped the young leaders in the audience begin to develop another important leadership skill.

The feedback from the audience after the presentation showed that everyone had a great time and that there is a strong desire for further collaboration between these two organizations. Each participant received a red envelope and a pair of chopsticks as gifts from GFCBW.



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