《Belux Coffee Roasters 為世華會員及世華之友的特別企劃 - 在家輕鬆做手沖咖啡》
-手沖vs.傳統咖啡機vs. 義式咖啡機的不同
加碼示範 -冰鎮咖啡果皮茶 -冷萃咖啡
If you are a coffee connoisseur or just want to taste some of the world’s finest coffee, then a visit to Belux Coffee Roasters in Alpharetta, GA is more than worth your while.” This is what a well-known coffee connoisseur blogger said about Lucy and Ben’s coffee at Belux. Check out this blogger’s detailed description of the Belux Coffee shop at https://www.atlantacoffeeshops.com/.../a-personalized....
線上教學時間:4/18 (Saturday), 3pm-4pm
參與線上教學方式:it’s FREE online class
When: Apr 18, 2020 03:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Register in advance for this meeting: https://zoom.us/.../tJAsc-yrqzIo0yaD62pJdTxBFweVK2aF8Q
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.